Tuesday, October 28, 2008
two zero one!One week (?) of hols had almost passed and im already starting to miss you guys!
As you can see, I changed the song to
Katy perry's I kissed a girl.LOL.
Really random.
I think the only homework we have is:
One movie review. (Those who lost it can ask liyi or me for the soft copy)
Four pages(?) worth of maths questions
For express chinese, learn all the 成语 for the chengyu test
next year.LOL.
next yearSeems far away.
Okay, I'm digressing.
Anyway, here's the second, and prolly the last installment -
from me, that is- of pictures!

See you guys on friday! :D
4:09 AM
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Hey everyoneee!:D Tis blog's pretty much dead, other than the random posts from random people.Anyway,as promised, here's my set of class pictures!

This pretty much ends my set of pictures.Topped up with a long overdue picture taken during racial harmony :DI cant post mushy stuff right now.too tired.Will post again soon! :D
♥ Meihui
8:06 AM
A gift from me
From MQ to all 201ers:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8TqCSb3CasI'm going to miss everyone! Here is the pretty cool collage thingy in the video...

Feel free to save the image, it's my gift to everyone.
May everyone have a great 2009!
3:12 AM