Classroom Updates
Okays 201! We have several things to settle!!
1. The Birthday List
Welfare [head:Xianting]We would like to especially thank Xianting and Meihui for making the beautiful list at the front notice board.
2. The Class PetHamster Committee [leader: Meihui]
'Hamster committee', please confirm with me if you are still trying to get a hamster or not a.s.a.p. cause some of the students are wondering why there are no hamsters yet.
On the question about whether they should breed or not, I think it is better to decide amongst youselves as it is hard to get the class' response.
If you encounter any other problems, feel free to ask me, thanks! (:
3. The Class TeeTee Committee [leader:??]
Currently, our 'Tee committee' consist of Jia En and Jia Yi (they begged me to get the tee).
So I leave you 2 the responsibility to form the Tee comittee, inform the class, design the tee and order them. I heard you all want 2 class tees. Yeah, you all can make one a compulsory and one an optional.
4. Chinese New Year DecorationChinese New Year decoration team [leader: Liyi]From what the CIP head said, there will be a competition for the CNY decorations.
The main twist is that is should be about 'mouse' and decos should be recycled materials.
So i encourage everyone to continue to contribute decos to the CNY deco team.
Your donations are much appriciated (:
As for the CNY deco team, we thank one again for beautifying the class.
5. Rising StarRising StarThe return of Rising Star must have certainly startled many. But our cute bear was thankful that she can escape the lonliness on the library shelf. There is only one thing i would like to stress to all students: Please DO NOT use Rising Star as a Volleyball ok???
NE head will be in charge of taking care of her. (:
Yeah. That's it! Study hard, play hard, and WORK hard!!
Class Management Head
6:46 AM
Saturday, January 12, 2008
On the 11 January, 2008, one may find the enthusiastic 201 students of Xinmin Secondary painting and decorating their classroom. Meanwhile, their form teacher, Mr Lee, observes his pupils. The atmosphere of excitement and joy brings a close bonding to the fellow teenagers.
At the four walls of the classroom, one will find a group of 20 students, (With at least half of them carry paintbrushes.) painting the dull, dirty white walls with the brilliant colours of pink and baby blue. No one knows for sure why they had decided to paint the class into this KK-Hospital style but the colours blend harmoniously. Although imperfect, they show great resilience especially when they pry open the cans of paint. They even show selflessness when their uniforms get stained.
At the front and back of the classroom, one might spot a smaller group of pupils working with construction paper. They create headings like 'Notices' and 'Literature', and staple them on with colourful materials, bringing life to the classroom. The group, consisting mostly girls, shows an eye for aesthetics as they design the link between the pupils and the principal- The notice boards.
Just outside the lively classroom, one shall find yet another team of students crowded around a picnic table. The table is invaded by a sea of maroon Chinese New Year decorations and red packets as the youngsters make decorations for the event itself. After working on the creation of decorations, the team work hard to make the classroom in a festive mood with their very own sweat.
'All these were done and planned by the students themselves,' says the Class Management Head, 'I have never seen the class work so efficiently and I am very proud of them!' And what plans does 201 have for their class in future? The answer is: The Class pet hamsters! 'What can be better than to have these cute beings as our companions?' The Class Management Head asks. He added that some girls are appointed for this project and are ready to face the challenges ahead.
He finally ends by expressing his heartfelt thank to his classmates with a well-known tradition of saying goodbye, 'Thank you 201. Good bye and have a nice day. May God bless you!'
5:34 AM
Classroom Decoration Day
Classroom Decoration Day
We will be having Classroom Decoration Day...
Date: 11 January 2008 (Friday)
Time: 1pm-3+pm
Venue: In classroom
Let me make it clear that this is a COMPULSORY event.
However, you may be excused to leave early if you have CCA on that day.
Here is what we would be doing:
1) Painting of Classroom
I tried to get the pink and baby blue paint that everyone wanted, but the only cheap ones I could find were soft violet and sea blue. So I bought them.
(But don't worry, they are very nice colours and they complement each other).
The cost was $40 for both (and they are 7 litres each!). That is considered very cheap! Anyway, if anyone has BIG paintbrushes at home, please bring them along, thanks!
We will be discussing on how we would be going to paint the classroom on the day itself.
Note: Everyone must contribute to the painting, especially the class artists.
2) Notice boards
For the notice boards, we need to place 3 items up: Backing, Edgings, Headings.
For the backings and edgings, I will assign people to get them.
As for the headings, we would be making them on that day, and I will assign people to get coloured paper too.
3) Chinese New Year Decorations
CNY is coming, so we need to donate some red decorations too! If you have any decorations that you are willing to give, bring them on that day too! (:
Everyone is responsible for bringing decoration, if no one brings any, then that would be too bad.
4) Class Pet Discussion
Some girls had requested for a class hamster. I had asked Mr Lee about it, but he was very hesistant to let us keep one. He was afraid that we might play with the hamster (or any class pet for that matter) during curriculum time.
So, if everyone really wants a class pet, then everyone must be willing to be self-discipline and responsible etc. We would discuss this topic on Friday too.
That should be all! Yeah, so you can start to think of what you want to do on Friday.
So these are what you should bring:
Decorations that you are willing to donate
Old clothes (for painting)
Items that the assigned people are to buy
Hope to meet everyone on Friday!!
Class Management Head
12:01 AM