Homework list (edited)
Saturday, November 17, 2007
OK... here is the edited version of the homework list... cause the chemistry part recently changed
Its more detailed!!
December Holiday 2007 Homework list
All work to be submitted by 2 January 2008. Marks may be taken into consideration for CA1 2008.
1. Essay 500-700 words on one of the following:
a. A story that starts with ‘Now, when I was your age…’
b. A review of a book, film, exhibit or drama. Explain why you liked it and why others would like it.
c. A single change what would most improve life in your community.
d. A story that includes a song and a secret.
e. Imagine what would be like to rely with only one of your senses for a whole day.
f. ‘The Environment: Our Future’ Discuss the likely impact of climate change. What is to be done?
Use Arial font 12 and double-spaced. Margins: Top 1.25cm, Bottom 1cm, Left 2cm, Right 2cm.
2. Do the Comprehension Passage about anger.
3. Reviews one newspaper article each week.
Include: source, date, summary of article, what you learnt and why it is of interest to you.
4. Read a minimum of 2 story books [at least 200 pages each]
a. Write a book review or a diary that one of the main characters of the story might have kept.
b. Design a book mark for the other book. Include…
Front: title, author, summary, relevant illustration.
Back: character list and short description, review and rating, summary [80-100 words], addition relevant illustrations.
网上作答(E-learning)--- 25题,50分。(选择题和填空题)
*Please refer to Explore Your World With Science Discovery Textbook 2
Biology- Read Chapter 4 and 5 and come up with concept maps of each chapter.
Chemistry- Read Chapter 2 and 3 and answer Checkpoint questions (pages 19, 22, 28, 32, 36 and 38)
Physics- Read Chapter 8
Set A: Sec 1E EOY Paper 1 & 2 and Set B: Sec 1E EOY Paper 1 & 2
*Please refer to Singapore: From settlement to Nation (Chapter 5)
Do an IT PowerPoint presentation with 10-15 slides
Register 01-10: Industrial Revelation
Register 11-20: The Great Depression
Register 21-30: The Opening of the Suez Canal
Register 31-40: World War I
Slide 1: Topic, class register, name
Short summary of event (use text and pictures)
How it affected Singapore and how we responded
Example of a current external event that affects Singapore and how we respond to it
Lessons learnt from external events and how they affected Singapore
Last slide: Bibliography (MUST include both books other than textbook and websites)
-Posted by Mahkkus Quek!!
10:12 PM
New Members of 201!!! [:
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Well.... helloooos again!
Wanna know something?????
I heard that some Normal Acedamic people are going to Express!!! XD
1 or 2 new people will be coming to 201!!!! (the rest goes to the other express/special classes)
Sounds sooo exciting!!! (:
We must welcome them and make them feel at [[home]] next year, ok?
And don't underestimate their knowledge too! They get alot of As!! (Smart kias)
So we must make friends with them...
This is a good chance for those of you who dont have many good friends...
...even if you are of opposite gender :b
A-titi-a-fem! tata for now!!
- Posted by Mahkkus Quek!
10:17 PM
Class Tee Designs III
Ok... this is another set of designs!

Yes... i know.. next year we would be going to 201, not 101
we can modify when making, yeah? (:
Feel free to modify any designs if we are using one of the designs!
-Posted by
you know who
1:53 AM